Is it selfish to take care of ourselves? Should we come after the well-being of our entourage? Women have learned that their value comes from caring for others. But, when we skip that essential movement towards ourselves, we burn out. We suffer and drag that low energy in all aspects of our life.
During the interview Jessica Ortner conducted in preparation of her book The tapping solution for weight loss and body confidence with acclaimed author Cheryl Richardson, who wrote the best-selling book The art of extreme self-care, Cheryl shared a very powerful piece of wisdom about the real reason we must practice self-care. Here’s what she shared:
“The acceptable thing for me to say is, if you take better care of yourself, then that means you’ll be a better person to be around. While that’s true, what I really want to say as I’ve gotten older is, honey, if you take better care of yourself, the negative self-talk is going to stop. Honey, if you take better care of yourself, you’re going to feel stronger in your body. Honey, if you take better care of yourself, you’re going to care more about what you think and less about what other people think. And then you’re going to be more powerful in the world. You’re going to effect change in your life and in the lives of the people around you. You’re going to have a huge impact on the planet because one of the ways that women sit on their power is by NOT taking care of their bodies.”
Take a moment now to let that sink in deeper in you. I invite you to change the words “you and yourself” for more personal words like “me/I and myself” when you read it out loud again. In doing so, this text becomes nothing short of a powerful affirmation.
Self-care is not only important it is vital to our well-being and thriving. “It’s not until we make a practice of connecting with ourselves on a regular and frequent basis that we can dim our negative self-talk and truly appreciate ourselves” continues Jessica.
It’s not only empowering, it also improves hearing, lowers blood pressure, improves eyesight, raises blood cardiac output, helps wiring musculature and raises pulmonary function add Dr. Christiane Northrup in the film “Hungry for change”.
When writing your list of self-care activities (which I encourage you to do) , keep in mind the following key words: rest, recharge, refuel, reflect, relax, rekindle and reconnect, reframe, reimagine, recreate, sleep, have positive self-thoughts and self-talks, deep breathing, have fun, laugh and giggle, cultivate greatness, self-regulate emotions, delegate, simplify and say NO to things and demands that others could and should do themselves, simply being in the present moment brings coherency in the nervous system. Having that kind of list has a calming effect knowing that these activities are nourishment for our mind and body.
Another way to self-care is tapping the FasterEFT style. This simple yet powerful technique is uses around the world every day to help release whatever is bothering you and so you can transform it to a positive experience. Being compassionate and self-loving is the ultimate self-acceptance. It makes room for disappointment and imperfection. Clearing stuff helps us feel nourished, held and safe enough to let go of the problems, pains, issues and symptoms so we can be all of who we are. Free beings.
This yellow Adirondak chair is waiting for you. It's right under a majestic tree in my backyard facing the lake. You're invited to experimence this magic chair and imagine the wind blowing softly onto your skin. Isn't it delightful?
So why do we avoid to take care of ourselves?
Sometimes it’s that specific negative self-talk that puts the breaks on giving ourselves that time to replenish. Just the thought of spending time with ourselves makes the negative stories we entertain ourselves with resurface.
We may remember hearing the critical voice and reprimanding tone of our mom saying something like this: get your butt off that couch and help around the house. I never take a break. Why should you!
Or we may remember when we were a child seeing how our parents never took a vacation because they were farmers or other round the clock type of work. So, we learn to work 7 days a week 16 hours or more a day even when we feel tired to the bone.
Memories like these create stress in our bodies even though they are no longer real yet they feel real because we produce the chemicals, feelings and sensations inside our body which gives it reality. Using the FasterEFT style of tapping in the heat of the moment interrupts the pattern of distress and brings you to a peaceful state. It creates a shift in perception and that is priceless. Want to know more about that style of tapping? Continue reading.
When we reconnect with ourselves and practice self-love and self-care on a daily basis, we are no longer a foreigner in our own life. We find ways to relax, smile and sometimes do nothing and do it well.
I offer you a free 30-minute Deep Dive Clarity consultation to verify if we are a good match to work together and also to give you practical solutions to your problem, pain, symptoms, pet peeves or other overwhelming situations of the moment. Go reserve your spot now here or call 1-514-561-6742 Ext. 200.
About the author: Linda Sauvé, founder of Emotions360, strategist in wellness (certified practitioner in NLP and advanced certified practitioner in FasterEFT-Eutaptics and certified teacher of Ontario), uses powerful techniques and approaches to impact positively the lives of her clients. She is a professional actor, speaker (French and English), author of four books and hundreds of articles. She is delighted to offer you a F-R-E-E 30 minute Deep Dive Clarity consult to get the life you want. Run to to reserve your free consult now or call her cell phone at 1-514-561-6742 Ext. 200
© 2018 Linda Sauvé